There is justice after all. Tom snored all night forcing me to go and lie on the sofa. Because of his sins, a mozzie came and ate him with a vengeance. YESSSSSSS.
Although we had bought an internet access code, we couldn’t get connected, so were unable to call Amy or Andy in the morning, so we set off at about 9.15, for the return to Waitangi. The weather on the way was disgusting – low cloud, rain and wind, but we got to Paihia at about 11.30. We had coffee and pie at “Nine”, a very nice coffee bar, bought anthisan for Tom’s bites, and a plug in Mozzie killer.
Because it was still raining, we went to Woolworths, and bought a brolly. That was incredibly effective, cos it promptly stopped raining.
We then drove the mile or so to Waitangi, and they let us in the second time, without paying. Amazing what a pathetic look can achieve.
We did the Waitangi tourist bit just like the last time, taking even more video and photos, checking as we went that they had been saved. As a bonus, there was a troupe of Maori actors and actresses, who had been performing a live show in the centre, and we were able to video some of their routine as they gave a short impromptu display outside. One of them posed for me to take a photo, much to the amusement of his mates. 
We then returned to the Outrigger Motel, where we had spent Wednesday night, as we had been able to use the internet, and still had credit. We successfully logged on, checked e-mails and were able to upload the Thursday blog. We still have plenty of air-time left, but need to find a hotspot for Zenbu Wifi to use it.
By now the weather was beautiful, obviously thanks to the brolly, so we headed back South. We stopped in Kawakawa to take some more pics of the toilet, and to use it,
and reached Whangerai, still in sunshine, so visited the falls that we had by-passed on the way up. It was definitely worth the short detour, and much more impressive than Haruru.
As a bonus, we found a petrol station that was 4 cents a litre cheaper than previous ones. (NZ$1.68 per litre or about 68p. Diesel is even cheaper at NZ$1.27 per litre, 52p)
Since we had made good time, we phoned ahead to the Walton Park motel at Warkworth, and were able to get a room for the night, so that is where we ended up. I went swimming again, and Tom played with his gadgets. We went back to the RSA club where the restaurant was open, and had a very good meal of chicken breast with lemon and garlic, and a help yourself veg and salad buffet, 2 deserts and 4 beers. Total cost NZ$46, or £18.40.
Then off to bed. There is no internet access at the motel, so we’ll post this the next chance we get.
Although we had bought an internet access code, we couldn’t get connected, so were unable to call Amy or Andy in the morning, so we set off at about 9.15, for the return to Waitangi. The weather on the way was disgusting – low cloud, rain and wind, but we got to Paihia at about 11.30. We had coffee and pie at “Nine”, a very nice coffee bar, bought anthisan for Tom’s bites, and a plug in Mozzie killer.
Because it was still raining, we went to Woolworths, and bought a brolly. That was incredibly effective, cos it promptly stopped raining.
We then drove the mile or so to Waitangi, and they let us in the second time, without paying. Amazing what a pathetic look can achieve.

We then returned to the Outrigger Motel, where we had spent Wednesday night, as we had been able to use the internet, and still had credit. We successfully logged on, checked e-mails and were able to upload the Thursday blog. We still have plenty of air-time left, but need to find a hotspot for Zenbu Wifi to use it.
By now the weather was beautiful, obviously thanks to the brolly, so we headed back South. We stopped in Kawakawa to take some more pics of the toilet, and to use it,

Since we had made good time, we phoned ahead to the Walton Park motel at Warkworth, and were able to get a room for the night, so that is where we ended up. I went swimming again, and Tom played with his gadgets. We went back to the RSA club where the restaurant was open, and had a very good meal of chicken breast with lemon and garlic, and a help yourself veg and salad buffet, 2 deserts and 4 beers. Total cost NZ$46, or £18.40.
Then off to bed. There is no internet access at the motel, so we’ll post this the next chance we get.
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