Tom had logged on to the web server last night to post the blog and the so-and-sos had put the prices up – we think for the w/e. So he’d decided to go down to the café beside the motel where there is a wi-fi outlet. While I did the morning chores, that’s what he did so you should have now read the last 2 days worth of outpourings.
We started off the day’s trip with a walk along the west end of North Terrace, which we’d missed yesterday, starting at Government House. The notice outside said no photos were permitted but the guard there told Tom he could take one.
Then we went on to the war memorial.
A team of cleaners were busy getting the area round it ready for Anzac day. Then it was on to the Museum where we spent an hour or so learning a little bit more about the indigenous tribes of Australia and the surrounding islands.
After coffee, we went to the National Wine Centre and enjoyed a tour there. We couldn’t access all areas as there was a wedding party about to come in for lunch, but Tom spent several minutes talking to a couple of the staff about wines in general and Tin Shed in particular – he has fallen in love with their Shiraz. We did get a glimpse of the cellar which holds the stock for functions, and it rather put our wine rack at home to shame!
When we left there, I wanted to go to Ayers House but Tom wasn’t keen so we parted company, arranging to meet up in the centre later. Unfortunately, when I got to the House, there were 2 weddings being held there and it was closed to visitors!! Oh well, time to wander round my kind of shops for a while!! I found a bead shop where I spent half an hour – fabulous beads and lots of patterns for making them up in different ways. It’s surprising how the time flies when you just wander, taking photos and peering into side alleys and strange little shops!
We met up as arranged, bought a few bits for dinner and returned to the room by just after 5.00pm. A nice cup of tea kept me going before I had the exciting task of doing the laundry – since the motel has no facilities, they have an agreement with the apartments opposite to use theirs, so I plodded across with my bag and, one and a quarter hours later, it was all done. So we’re now all clean for the train.
We have no idea if we’ll have net access while we’re on the train, so it may be Tuesday before we can talk to you again! Hopefully by then, I shall have something a bit more exciting to relate to you, as there always seems to be something that goes wrong when trains are involved. Today has been a nothing sort of day really, but I’ve got to keep my readers going somehow!?! I’m almost falling asleep now so shall bid you all a fond goodnight.
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