This morning, we woke at 7.00am as our body clock is still on NSW time, but that was fine as Lorraine had to leave for work at 8.15. Paul is at home on sick leave as he has a back problem, which worked out quite well for us, as we’d have had to be up and out by the time they both went to work! I had intended to go for a swim, but the time just flashed by and before I knew, it was time to go. We were all packed and left at 10.00 to join the traffic into Brisbane, about 60kms away. We only missed our turn once and had to do a U-ey at some traffic lights – Tom’s getting quite good at these – we’ve done a few!
The journey was without problems and we found a car park straight away. It was only when we were committed to going into it that we saw what the prices were! Gulp! We thought Auckland CP costs were high – these are astronomical - $13.50 for half an hour, $18 for an hour. We decided just to go to the Tourist office and arrange accommodation then retrieve the car. Unfortunately, by the time we’d done that and found our way out to the pay point, we’d gone 4 minutes over the half hour!!
Never mind, we have a very pleasant city centre hotel, the George Williams with secure parking (which we have to pay for over and above the cost of the room!) but everything is within walking distance. We’re here for 3 nights as one of the days will be spent at Australia Zoo, further up the coast. Having unpacked the car into the room, we walked into the centre and spent the next 4 hours wandering the streets. There are some lovely buildings

Talking of which, and on the theme of doing craft things, I’m disappointed so far that I haven’t been able to find Australian themed fabrics or X-stitches. NZ was full of places, so perhaps I’ve not found the right ones yet. If any of you reading this can point me in the right direction, I’d be very grateful. The only craft store I’ve found is Lincraft in Brisbane. They had an excellent choice of papercraft (more expensive than UK) and wool and art stuff, but not very much in the fabric line or X-stitch.
We have made a large purchase today – 2 new suitcases and a rucksack. There was a 50% offer in Myer’s department store and our poor blue cases have done sterling work for years but are suffering from this latest trip.
We’re in our hotel room having a rest before venturing out for dinner which we’re just about to do as it’s 7.30 (Queensland time). Bye for now.
Hi, It’s me again, a bit later than before! When we emerged from the hotel it had been raining again, as it has been all day on and off. Do we take the umbrella – no, don’t be silly. Oh dear, we should have gone back for it – it poured! But it was warm! Who cares about a bit of rain? With my new ultra short haircut (!) wetting makes no difference. But poor Tom! He hadn’t brought one of his hats out with him and the poor soul was getting water on his glasses – aaaah! Everyone big sigh for Tom!! So, guess what? Correct, you’ve guessed. We now have another hat to add to the collection but not, I’m glad to say one of the Akubra hats, just a Kakadu, but still Ozzie made and a third the price (and no, it hasn’t got corks around the brim). It simply means I have more credit to buy crafty bits!! The purchase of the hat solved the problem of rain on his glasses – because it didn’t rain again the entire evening!
To compensate for the increased accommodation fees, we’re eating simple and cheap while we’re here, so it was burgers tonight while we watched Brisbane celebrate St Patrick’s Day – it was all very civilised and quiet, at least in the town centre. Several people were dressed up and many had transfers of Guinness glasses on various parts of their anatomy. We came across one chap lying on the pavement surrounded by others. Tom did his “I’m a first aider, can I help?” bit, but all was under control and an ambulance had been called so he was redundant. We could see from some of the passers by’s eyes that, although the lights were on, there was no-one home, if you get the drift?!!
Many of the buildings are lit up at night, and looked really impressive.

Right, that’s really all for tonight, sleep calls. Night, night all.
Ummm, you know I love you 'n'all, but 5000 photos??!!! please tell me we won't have to see them all in one sitting?!!
5,000 photos, glad it is digital. We wonder how many you have deleted.
Jane and Peter
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