We had a couple of hours to kill between checking out of the motel and catching a taxi to the airport, so we took a walk into Northbridge for a final coffee – but no stickies! It had thundered during the night with heavy rain but the sun shone on our last wander and it was really hot so we sat outside for our coffees. We took a few photos of buildings we’d not done before and the tennis courts just down the road from the motel, which are always so well used.

We arrived too early for check in so had time to make sure the cases were within the 20kg limit – just!, 19.9 and 20 exactly. Perth International Airport is so quiet and has few shops on the departure side of the complex so we didn’t go through security until about 45mins before the flight was due. I had nothing in the bags this time to set off any alarms! The plane left on time and, after an uneventful flight, 5 hours later we were at Changi Airport, Singapore. We only had just over 2 hours there, which was fine, and when we went through to the departure lounge, found our plane for this stage was an Airbus A380 – the latest of the wide body, double-decker aircraft around, and only Singapore Airlines have bought them so far.
The craft is certainly quiet and smooth, but we weren’t the only ones who complained that the seats were too firm, there wasn’t as much legroom as in the 747, and there certainly wasn’t any extra elbow room despite the width of the plane. The crew were also having problems with controlling the heating and air conditioning. It was a relief to arrive at Heathrow – long haul flights are not a pleasure at any age, and at our advanced years are positively (and literally) a pain in the a**!!
We thought it wise to declare the necklace Tom had bought and the very nice Customs man let it through with no duty when Tom explained that we were celebrating our 40th Wedding anniversary (a little late, but he wasn’t to know that!)
So we set off to the Tube – I think we had to walk at least 10 miles from Terminal 3 – it certainly felt like it! Then we had the joys of the underground to St Pancras – oh my god!! If this is the first taste overseas travellers get of Britain, I’m surprised anyone comes back. No doubt we were tired and fed up to be cold (it was only 6deg), but it was quite depressing – dirty train, people throwing their litter on the floor, no-one smiling, tiny houses crammed together and narrow twisty roads. After the warmth, in all ways, of Australia and NZ, this was a jolt of reality.
We experienced the new St Pancras Capital Connect platforms for the first time. Unlike the smart new St Pancras International, these are windy, echoing and noisy although I have to admit, they were quite clean. The Bedford train was on time and we managed to stay awake during the journey. A taxi home was the final part of our great adventure and we arrived at 9.30am, having had virtually no sleep for over 30 hours!
The house was WARM! It was lovely! And it was all clean and welcoming with flowers in the lounge and a welcome home note from Carole. There was food in the fridge too. Carole and Bruce have been absolute stars in looking after the place for us, keeping Tom’s car charged as well. And there was the biggest pile of mail we’ve ever seen........On went the kettle and both of them came over for a welcome home cuppa. In many ways it was lovely to be home, in familiar surroundings but it was also the end of the biggest adventure we’ve ever had, so there was some sadness too. But we have survived being together for 15 weeks, driving for more than 12,300 kms and travelling goodness knows how far in other modes of transport. I’m so pleased I did the blog as it will enable us to remember where we were and when and what we did. We now have the unenviable task of sorting through 10,000+ photos, then printing the ones we choose for albums and scrapbooks. Tom’s taken nearly 20 hours of video, which he needs to edit and put together a travelogue. We’ve collected reams of brochures, postcards, tickets and other memorabilia; bought several dvd’s of things we didn’t manage to do ourselves. There will be patchwork kits to make up and cross-stitch maps to sew – the list is rather daunting when you write it all down!
It really was the trip of a lifetime. We’ve learnt so much about the places we’ve been, but at the same time have only just touched on them. We met some wonderful people on the way whom we would have liked to get to know better. We missed family and friends but it was good knowing they were keeping tracks on us through the blog. Thank you all for your comments and e-mails........and now, it’s time for the quiz I promised you! Ah ha! You thought I was joking, didn’t you? Well, it’s only for fun, but there is a prize for the one who answers the most questions correctly. Answers via e-mail please NOT on the comment facility as you could all copy each other!!
So finally, we raise a glass to all our friends and family who have been with us in our thoughts while we have been away. And it's farewell from him, and farewell from me.

1. Which city did we fly into in NZ?
2. Where did the “horrible man” live?
3. What place did we have to visit twice when Tom “lost” the film he’d made?
4. How did we get to Arthur’s Pass?
5. What was the name of the Jet Boat driver?
6. In which town did Mags have nearly all her hair cut off?
7. Apart from Tom, who growled at Mags?
8. What’s a B-Double?
9. How did Tom find out that the Indian Pacific train wasn’t running?
10. How many b****y hats did Tom buy during the holiday?
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